Athens Riviera
210 894 0930
Athens Riviera 210 894 0930
+30 210 8940930

Hands Rejuvenation

Hands undergo the ravages of aging as much as the face does. The soft tissue in the hands, that gives a volumizing appearance, gradually depletes as we age, leaving the veins, tendons and bones more prominent and visible. The skin on the hands, like on the face, becomes looser and more wrinkled as we age, they receive the same amount of sun exposure and they are always less protected. As a result, they suffer from pigmentation and textural problems while aging.

While our hands may suffer like our face, they can be treated with a variety of special rejuvenation hand treatments. There is a number of ways we can restore the youthful volume of your hands, improve your skin’s texture, decrease the sun damage and age spots. Fat transfer is one of those treatments that leads to long lasting results.

  • The Fat Transfer “Nano Fat Grafting” on the hands is a typical procedure done in our clinic under local anesthesia. It is a long-lasting treatment and will be permanent with a stable body weight. The results provide natural and long-lasting rejuvenation on the hands.
  • Hand Fillers are for the restoration of the volume with Restylane, Belotero, Radiesse, specially for the hands.
  • IPL 540nm Laser immediately erases the sun spots.
  • Fraxel Restore Laser is for the rejuvenation of the skin quality and helps you keep your hands younger and firmer.

In our clinic of excellence “Plasis” we offer Customized treatments for every patient’s need.


To find out more about “Medical Beauty Suite” treatments in  our Clinic of Excellence “Plasis” or the cosmetic surgery procedures contact us: 2108940930


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